Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break-Kyle's first day in Rome!!

The morning of March 10th couldn't come fast enough!  I got up and ran up to our little flower stand guys to get a rose for Kyle and since my favorite breakfast bar is right around the corner, I had to stop and see the cute old barista in the pink shirt and get a caffe machiato and a cornetto con crema!!  After stopping back at the apartment to grab my sign that I had made the night before, I headed to the airport!
Heading to the airport!
After what seemed like forever, Kyle finally came through the doors!  (He thought the sign was perfect!)  
He wasn't excited to see me was he?
After we dropped off his bags (one was mostly stuff for me...), we left so I could show him some of my common routes and things that I pass by on a regular basis!  I made him walk the half hour from my apartment to studio, but we did have to stop for gelato along the way!  Once we stopped by studio, I led him around the Jewish Ghetto and down some small alleyways until we came upon...Turtle Fountain!! It's this little fountain at the intersection of small, shortcut alleyways which just happens to be done by Michelangelo-no big deal...
Fontana Tortuga
Then, we headed off for his first pizza in Rome at Cat's Sanctuary Pizza (this is the name the guys gave it-not sure what it's really called...).  It only took one bite for him to be impressed!
Cat's Pizza
From there, we went to the Pantheon!
He was pretty impressed, especially when I told him that the diameter of the oculus was about 27' and the total span of the dome was 142'.
Oculus of the Pantheon
Next, we went to the Santa Maria Maddalena which is where I'm doing my final drawing project!
Santa Maria Maddalena
The church was constructed in the Baroque era and has many decorative elements typical of that time such as the different colored marble interior.
Looking down the nave towards the altar
I'm doing a series of drawings of their organ for my final project and Kyle was fascinated watching me draw.
Drawing in the organ loft
Then, we went to Piazza Navona where we walked through all of the artists stalls trying to sell their paintings.
Piazza Navona
We stopped back at the B&B before heading off to supper where Kyle surprised me by having roses and chocolate torte ordered to the room!
Colosseum room at the B&B
Next came my surprise-taking him for supper right in front of the Pantheon!  Our first day couldn't have been better!
Supper outside the Pantheon

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