Saturday, January 28, 2012


Here is the church of S. Ignazio.  We went here for our first drawing class.  We mostly spent our time outsize sketching the piazza and the exterior of the church but I do have a few pictures of the interior!

 The interior is mainly made of marble and painted surfaces.

One thing that was really interesting was that the dome is much smaller than it actually appears and the center of the painted dome is off-centered from the real dome which makes it appear taller than it actually is.

Another optical illusion is the painted perspective on the ceiling.  All of the painted columns form a one-point perspective and if you stand in the right place on the floor, it seems like the ceiling goes on forever.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I especially like the ceiling that goes on forever. You got right in the spot you were talking about. I'll have to get a better look at it on my computer monitor.
    Thanks for posting these wonderful pictures.
    Hope you're having fun too.
